Autonumbering in Custom Style?


Corporate User


I am not sure if I should use AutoText, a custom Field or Style.

I am trying to create a static text field (like in Framemaker) that will
allow me to insert:

Table 1
Table 2


Figure 1
Figure 2

The numbers would autonumber up in sequence within the document.

I am trying to incorporate all this into a template that other users will
use. This way the user can just click the style, autonumber (or other) and
the word "Table" and "Figure" will appear with the correct autonumber
following it.

What is the easiest way to do this?

Ultimately, I would like to have a locked down template with only certain
areas being editable with pre-defined styles. The header and footer areas
would be protected except for where the user could manually enter in the
chapter number (i.e. Ch. 3).

Any help in these would be very much appreciated.

I apologize if this is one of those FAQs that exist on some website


Word Heretic

G'day "Corporate User" <[email protected]>,

I am writing a very large set of articles for people just like you,
email me with a request for the List Templates draft article and I'll
send you what I have to date.

You need to define styles and list templates and hook them together.
The GUI is effectively useless for performing this task in a Quality
controlled manner.

So, we use the VBA solutions from my article to create this stuff.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Corporate User reckoned:

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