AutoOpen - How to Hide it from Alt-F8


VBA Coder

I have an AutoNew subroutine that is declared as Public, so that when a user
creates a new document from our template, this code will be the first thing
to run. How can I have this subroutine hidden from the list of available
Macros that the user can run? If the user clicks Alt-F8, they are presented
with a list of Macros, including my "AutoNew" macro. If I change it to a
Function, it will not show, however, by changing it to a Function will
prevent it from running when the user creates a new document.

Charles Kenyon

Set it up in the ThisDocument object as a Document_New procedure. It won't
show up in the macros list and will run when a new document is created based
on your template.

Private Sub Document_New()
MsgBox "Hi there."
End Sub


Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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