autopopulate fields in userform based on selection in one field



Hi All,

I have an excel userform that has a dropdown field called "Leader". What I
want is:
Once we select a value from leader dropdown. I want three other fields to
auto populate based on what we select in "Leader" dropdown.

For eg: I want Student1, Student2 and Location to be auto populated once we
select a value from "Leader" dorpdown.

NOW, one thing with this is, All this data is stored in an excel workbook on
shared drive. And the Students, Locations, and leaders keep switch regularly.
All this changes are updated in the workbook.

Is there a way to design all this fields such that It take the data from
that updated excel workbook?

For eg:
Today if Leader: "John" has Student1: "Jack" and Student2: "Jill" and
Location: "1"
I want Jack, Jill and 1 to autopopulate in my user from once I select John
from Leader dropdown.

Tomorrow If Leader: "John" has Student1: "Bill" and Student2: "Josh" and
Location: "1"
I want Bill, Josh and 1 to autopopulate in my user from once I select John
from Leader dropdown.

Hope I made it clear

Thanks in advance

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