Sue: FYI, I fired up the old laptop, and sure enough, Outlook 98 does have the AutoPreview button, exactly where the Stop button is located currently, on the Activities form of Contacts
----- Sue Mosher [MVP] wrote: ----
I don't remember ever seeing an AutoPreview button the Activities page of
contact. You cannot customize the Activities page anyway
Sue Mosher, Outlook MV
Author o
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart fo
Administrators, Power Users, and Developer
RichS said:
Is there a means of adding the AutoPreview button to Contact/Activitie
form in Outlook 2002? This button used to be on Outlook 98, but has sinc
disappeared. I've tried Customize, but that button doesn't seem to b
listed in order to place it on the form. It's a real pain to have to g
into Customize/Other Settings for every contact every time I want to tur
AutoPreview on or off