Autorecovery postponed message in Word document



Dialogue box opens when Word (2003) attempts to autosave a particular
document. Message reads

You cannot save while the file is in use by another process. Try saving the
file with a new name. (C:\...|Autorecovery save of FILE NAME)

Attempted Solutions that have not worked:
• saved it under a new name
• saved it to my desktop and disconnected the internet
• rebuilt it as a new document copying and pasting one section at a time
• CTL-Alt-Del and search for likely process Nothing obvious

The document includes text and screen saves from the GUI for radar software
for which I am writing the technical manual.

This document will be posted as a Word doc and cannot have clients geting
this messgage when they download the document.

When I click “Show Help†I get the following:
This message can appear if another program is currently using the file you
are editing. For example, if a table or paragraph in your document was linked
to by another application and that application is currently open and running
(possibly on another computer or an application running on your computer that
you cannot see). This can also happen whenever you are in a shared
environment and file locking is enabled by another application.

Depending on your situation, your options are:
• Save the file using a different file name. (I have done this but continue
to get the messages)
• Close the other application that has the lock on the file. (There are no
other applications open that I am aware of but I continue to get the messages)
• Wait until the other user closes the application that has a lock on your
file (The file is on my desktop and I have disconnected from the internet –ie
no other users--and still get the messages)
Clicking on “More information about this error message online.â€

Product: Office
ID: 10290
Source: OfficeErrorMessages
Version: 11.0
Message: Links to additional information about the error message you saw are
available below.


Currently there are no Office Assistance articles available for this error

When I click OK I get another dialogue box which says

Saving the AutoRecovery file is postponed for "FILE NAME"

What can I do to get rid of this recurring error message?


Take a look under Tools > Options > Compatibility. Make sure it is
set to 2003 format and not 97. I just ran across this problem, and
some had changed the compatibility mode. After setting it back to
2003 and clicking the default button, the problem has seemed to go

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Keep in mind, too, that the Compatibility Options are per document (unless
you click Default..., in which case they're applied to all new documents),
so the problem could be experienced in one document but not others. (And
legacy documents will by default have the Compatibility Options set to
whatever version they were created in.)

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