Chris Marsh
Below is the exact text from the help file. My clients question - is there
a away to make it reply every time to an email not just only once. It's
vacation season and people often forget that person X is on vacation for a
week so they keep sending emails without a response from their salesrep and
they get frustrated. I realize, kind 'a being dumb on their part. I
imagine there is a registry hack somewhere so I thought I would ask.
"In the AutoReply only once to each sender with the following text box, type
the message that you want to send to others while you are out."
a away to make it reply every time to an email not just only once. It's
vacation season and people often forget that person X is on vacation for a
week so they keep sending emails without a response from their salesrep and
they get frustrated. I realize, kind 'a being dumb on their part. I
imagine there is a registry hack somewhere so I thought I would ask.
"In the AutoReply only once to each sender with the following text box, type
the message that you want to send to others while you are out."