The soloution originally posted in this thread and copied below will
switch Autorecover off. If that's what you wanted to do, don't bother
with the rest of this post...
I have been having trouble with Autorecover for some time (XP box and
Word XP), I was getting the "You cannot save while the file is in use by
another process. Try saving the file with a new name." message regularly
but I like to have this on as I'm working on a 9Mb Word document.
I found the following piece on the net:
In Microsoft Word 2002, if you use the percent symbol (%) as part of a
filename, this might interfere with Word's AutoRecover file process. If
you try to save the AutoRecover file, with the .ASD extension, you may
see this error message:
You cannot save while the file is in use by another process. Try saving
the file with a new name.
(C:\...\Word\AutoRecovery save of @1!.asd)
After clicking OK, you may loop around and get the error message again.
If you want to use the percent sign in the name, then Microsoft says to
turn off the AutoRecover option. Do this at the Tools, Options, Save
the original post can be found at the following site:
It is in the entry dated 6/3
In my case there was no percentage sign in the file name, but I did have
a hyphen in the file name (as well as a full stop). I changed these to
underscores and eliminated all the spaces just for good measure. Guess
what? I now no longer get the Autorecover error message and the data is
safely stored in C:\...\applications data\.... I haven't had time to
work out whether it was the hypens, full stops or spaces which were
causing the problem but if you have this problem, I would suggest you
get rid of all punctuation marks in the file name and see if the
Autorecover works OK.
It looks like there is a bug (sorry, "undocumented feature") in the
Autorecover file handling routine and it is rejecting anything with
certain punctuation marks in it. It is an easy workaround...