Does anyone out there know how to make a shape completely neutral in terms of
its 'layout' (or in word 97 - 'wrapping')? MS have changed the options in
word 2003, and 'none' / 'no wrapping'is no longer available.
I need to draw arrows on tables (in word '03); and no matter what options
are selected, the shapes are affecting the cell text alignment (i.e. 'behind
text' is a no-go apparrently...)
its 'layout' (or in word 97 - 'wrapping')? MS have changed the options in
word 2003, and 'none' / 'no wrapping'is no longer available.
I need to draw arrows on tables (in word '03); and no matter what options
are selected, the shapes are affecting the cell text alignment (i.e. 'behind
text' is a no-go apparrently...)