Autoshape & transparency of color


Sue Butzke

Hello All,

This one has really got me scratching my head..

I created a map using autoshapes and text boxes at work
using MS Word 2002 running on Win 2000 operating system. I
saved my (beautiful!) creation and sent it via email to my
home so that I could make a PDF version of it.

My home 'puter also runs MS Word 2002--but I have Win XP
Pro as my operating system.

The file arrives fine...I open it and notice that some of
the color of the autoshapes & text boxes (set to 50 %
transparency)that are overlapping is different (darker.)
[Due to other constraints at work--it is necessary to use
email, not diskette, for file transportation.]

I go to MS Office update Web site & download all
recommended updates..doesn't help. Tried a new, fresh
document & drawing a few shapes and overlapping
them...same problem.

By now, I'm pretty bummed and out of ideas..! Anybody else
have this problem--and what did ya do to fix it??

Thanks for your time!


Sue Butzke

Hello Suzanne,

Thank you for your suggestions and taking the time to
help! I looked closer at the version of MS Office running
at work, and--much to my chargrin--it's MS Office 2K
(sorry for the mixup folks!)

I have another 'puter that runs Win98 OS..I also have MS
Office 2K and installed it on that same 'puter. Yup--you
can guess the next thing I'm gonna say--no problem with
the autoshapes and transparency of color on overlapping
shapes. GRRRR!

BUT--I can say this--the problem is definately related to
MS Office XP Pro; and here's my evidence...

Here's what I've tried on computer running Win XP Pro OS
and MS Office XP Pro:

used original install CD for printer at work(so I know
it's the same driver)--result: no go

used known good driver for a different color printer--
result: no go

uninstalled entire Office XP Pro suite--
**reinstalled & tried drawing a text box and autoshape in
Publisher, Word & Excel..still same result using two
different printers.
**downloaded the SP-1 for Office XP and tried above
drawing test. Result: no go
**downloaded the SP-2 for Office XP and tried the drawing
test again. Result: no go

checked my graphics card drivers & made sure it's the
latest, greatest version--it is.

even tried making a PDF out of it--and to Adobe's credit--
the PDF looks just like what's on the screen (bummer!)

On the computer running Win98 OS--installed MS Office XP
Pro on it & tried drawing test. Result: no go

There you have it. And now...I'm tired from writing about
it.<VBG> So, I found my workaround the hard way, but still
don't know what's up with MS Office XP Pro <sigh>

Thanks for hanging in there and reading the whole tale of
woe. If anyone has suggestions for other stuff to try, or
knows of what fixes it--I'm all ears.



Suzanne S. Barnhill

The difference in printer drivers (and there will be a difference if you're
using different OS's on the two computers) may still make a difference in
the layout.

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