AutoSizing Text to a Rectangle/Shape


Wayne Gibson

I've been search the internet, to find a way to auto size some text so that
it fits with in the shape. I've found several references on how to resize a
shape so that the text fits.. But I want it to work the other way around.
I.E. If I create a shape which is 2" by 2", I want the text to fit within
that, reducing the font size until it does.

Any ideas?



Chris Roth [MVP]

Hi Gibbo,

This is a bit more difficult. I've been working on this for awhile but my
technique isn't quite ready for Prime Time.

You could write some automation to do this, if that's an option for you.

First, create a user-cell to test the current text:

User.txtWidthTooWide = ( TextWidth(TheText) > Width )

Then, using automation code, do something like:

While shp.Cells("User.txtWidthTooWide").ResultIU = 1

'reduce the font size by one point
shp.Cells("Char.Size").ResultIU = shp.Cells("Char.Size").ResultIU - 1/72


Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

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