AutoText fields inserting as static text



Program: Word 2003

Not sure how to describe this correctly, but when one of our users inserts
an AutoText entry that contains a field code, such as Filename and Path or a
date field, Word is inserting the *text* of the code, i.e. _ FILENAME \p _
(except there are boxes instead of "_").

I've made sure the user's language is set to English, but I'm not sure where
else to begin with this problem. It's as though Word is not inserting the
brackets enclosing the code, or it's automatically unlinking the field. Where
the brackets should be enclosing the code, there are the boxes Word usually
inserts for characters not included in a font set. So the code for pathnames
and dates are inserted but not a working field code. Where the pathname
should be, you just see the pathname code text in the document and that's how
it prints (even when unchecking any options that cause the field code to
print or be viewed in the document). I'm at a loss and am hoping for a
resolution other than reinstallation.

OTOH, the user *can* insert both the date field and pathname via Insert ->


Charles Kenyon

Sounds more like unformatted AutoCorrect than AutoText. Perhaps
is corrupt. Have the user try renaming (with Word closed),
reopening Word and trying the AutoText.
Charles Kenyon

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