Autotext in a doc?



Can Autotext be saved to a specific document? I knwo it can be saved in a
template, but we use a DMS so our "forms" are actually Word (2003) Docs.

Novel/Win Xp SP1/ Office 2003 SP1/Interwoven 8.0 (SP1)

Shauna Kelly

Hi mdavidson

No, you can't store an AutoText in a document. You can only save them in a
template. This is one of the differences between the .doc and .dot file

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi M.,

In your Data Management System (DMS) Word would, I assume could still be using a template to create files, or as a global template
to hold your autotext entries? I don't recall a limitation in Interwoven's ECM/DMS products that would limit you only to .doc forms
without linking them to a normal Word template (but they have a wide product line these days <g>)

==================Can Autotext be saved to a specific document? I knwo it can be saved in a template, but we use a DMS so our "forms" are actually
Word (2003) Docs.Thanks.

Novel/Win Xp SP1/ Office 2003 SP1/Interwoven 8.0 (SP1) >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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