Availability View in PWA 2007 Resource Center



It appears to me that this built-in view (not customizable from what I
can tell) is geared only toward the scheduled work for scheduling
purposes, not the actual work entered.

Is this correct? Too bad the OLAP cubes are the only alternative if
that's the case. Not that I don't like the cubes, its just that this
view would be much more valuable if Actual Work could be displayed and
totaled by resource for a given time period.

View Assignments would do the trick if only it could present time
phased information.

Andy Novak

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Andy,

within the Resource center you can only see what work is assigned to the
resource and in a way it does make sense. This view allows you to check who
is overallocated. Based on this information you can adjust your work which
still needs to be preformed. Since Actual work is "past" time, there is not
much you can do anymore, hence the reason to only display the work not the
actual work.

You are spot on when you say that the Data Analyser is the only place to
view the information (appart from creating your own reports from the
Reporting DB). I personally love OLAP Cubes since they are great for
analysing information and I cannot think of a better and more flexible way to
view the data using the OLAP cubes. It would of course be perfect if the
cubes would update "realtime". who knows maybe one day if MS thinks that it
would be a good idea :)

Anyway, hope this helps

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