Available space



I use XP and FP2003 to publish from my local computer to the remote site at
my ISP which use FP Extensions. Is there a simple way I can Find the amount
of disc allocation space remaining on my remote site?


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

If your host has a webmaster's control panel that you can access (a lot do)
you can see it there.

|I use XP and FP2003 to publish from my local computer to the remote site at
| my ISP which use FP Extensions. Is there a simple way I can Find the
| of disc allocation space remaining on my remote site?
| novus


PC's and Robs's method will give the best results, but you can approximate
the space used by browsing to your local web in Windows Explorer, right
click on the folder and choose Properties.
The size on disc will be roughly (not exactly) the amount of disc space used
on your host. BUT, this assumes your local site and hosted site are
identical - your host may place additional files in your web space
(statistics etc.) that you do not have locally. Or there may be other files
published that are not held locally, such as form results files.

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