Average function not returning expected result



Hi all:

I have a column of 25 numbers that include zeros that total 74. I have
applied the average function and rounded the result to two decimal places.

ROUND(AVERAGE (number 1,number 2...),2).

The result that I am receiving from excel is 2.64. When I use a calculator
the result is 2.96. What am I doing wrong?

Jim Thomlinson

Are you trying to average all of the values or all of the non-zero values???
Average will include the zeros...


I am averaging all the numbers including the zeros. My concern is that 74/25
is 2.96, but Excel return 2.64 as the result

David Biddulph

You're going to need to show us the exact formula, and the numbers involved.
Are you sure that you haven't got some of the cells as text rather than
numbers? What do you see if you temporarily change the formula from
=ROUND(AVERAGE (number 1,number 2...),2) to
=SUM(number 1,number 2...)?


Thanks to all that replied. I figured out my problem, I was including a
figure in the calculation that was not supposed to be included throwing
everything off.

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