I have no problem using the following formula
{=AVERAGE(IF(C10:H10<>0,C10:H10))} to get the average eliminating values of 0
but what if I have 2 or more worksheets that I need a running daily average
from for example I tried writing the formula as follows:
{=AVERAGE(IF(C10:H10,'Wk 1 - P'!C10:H10<>0,C10:H10,'Wk 1 - P'!C10:H10)}
When I hit <Ctrl> <Shift> <Enter> I get a Microsoft Excel box that pops up
that reads: "You've entered too many arguments for this function. To get
I have tried re-writing it using more parenthesis and such, but I just can't
seem to figure it out. Is it even possible?
{=AVERAGE(IF(C10:H10<>0,C10:H10))} to get the average eliminating values of 0
but what if I have 2 or more worksheets that I need a running daily average
from for example I tried writing the formula as follows:
{=AVERAGE(IF(C10:H10,'Wk 1 - P'!C10:H10<>0,C10:H10,'Wk 1 - P'!C10:H10)}
When I hit <Ctrl> <Shift> <Enter> I get a Microsoft Excel box that pops up
that reads: "You've entered too many arguments for this function. To get
I have tried re-writing it using more parenthesis and such, but I just can't
seem to figure it out. Is it even possible?