Average of times where text may be in range



Hi all,

I'm trying to generate the average time for a number of finishers in a
sailing race. There may be certain boats that have text values in place of a
finish time for did not finish, did not start or did not compete.

Q1 - The spreadsheet I inherited used SUM() to give the sum of the finish
times, COUNTIF(value >0) of the count of the number of finishers, finally to
arrive at average = SUM / COUNTIF. This gives errors as SUM() does not give
the correct value when the text values are present - are there functions
available to give the sum of the race times for the finishers (this figure
also used for other stats)?

Q2 - Does the AVERAGE() function ignore text when calculating the average?

Mark (Skiffie)

Bob Phillips

Q1 - The spreadsheet I inherited used SUM() to give the sum of the finish
times, COUNTIF(value >0) of the count of the number of finishers, finally to
arrive at average = SUM / COUNTIF. This gives errors as SUM() does not give
the correct value when the text values are present - are there functions
available to give the sum of the race times for the finishers (this figure
also used for other stats)?

That shouldn't matter, SUM will ignore text.
Q2 - Does the AVERAGE() function ignore text when calculating the average?



Bob Phillips said:
That shouldn't matter, SUM will ignore text.

Thanks Bob - made me re-check the formula again and I found my range was
wrong. :blush:

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