Average on a series of fields



Hi All,

I'm working on a form and need to add a text box which calculates the
average of 6 other fields on the form. I have this in the text box:
=([Skills - Achieved]+[Process & Systems - Achieved]+[Knowledge -
Achieved]+[Adding Value - Achieved]+[Case Management - Achieved]+[Spend
- Achieved])/6

Problem is, is that sometimes one of the fields is populated with N/A
or some other text if the figure isn't available. Is there anyway in
this case that the calculation would calculate the remaining fields?

I can get this to work in Excel with the average function .i.e
=Average(A2:A8). If there was text in the range A2:A8 then it would
ignore it and calculate the average on the remaining numbers.

I hope this is possible !

Many Thanks


Andy Couch - UK Access User Group

If you surround each of the fields with an immediate if function, then you
can make a substitution for "N/A".

for example

IIf([Skills - Achieved] = "N/A", 0, [Skills - Achieved])

So the formulae becomes
=(IIf([Skills - Achieved] = "N/A", 0, [Skills - Achieved])+[Process &
Systems - Achieved]+[Knowledge -Achieved]+[Adding Value - Achieved]+[Case
Management - Achieved]+[Spend - Achieved])/6

Then repeat for the other fields.

If you have NULL values in the fields this can also cause further problems,
as the average of (1+NULL+1)/3 = NULL. The NZ function can be used to get
around this.

IIf([Skills - Achieved] = "N/A", 0, Nz([Skills - Achieved]))

I just hope you don't have to calculate an average excluding the null
values. for example should (1+Nz(NULL)+1)/3 in fact be (1+1)/2. That is
averaging only over 2 values.

Averages can be quite complex.

Sheila D

Are you sure this is working correctly? If your fields are numeric you can't
put text in them and if they are text then you can't do numeric calculations

Brendan Reynolds

The Val() function will help, as it returns 0 if the argument can't be
evaluated as a number, so Val(10) + Val("N/A") = 10. If your text boxes will
always contain some value, then you just need to wrap each reference to a
text box in a Val() function ...

=(Val([Skills - Achieved]) + Val([Process & Systems - Achieved]) etc.

If any of the text boxes might contain the Null value, though, you'll have
to eliminate those Null values first, because Null isn't a valid argument
for the Val() function. So you'll have to wrap the reference to the text box
in a call to the NZ() function, then wrap the call to the NZ() function in a
call to the Val() function, like so ...

=(Val(NZ([Skills - Achieved],0)) + Val(NZ([Process & Systems - Achieved]),
0) etc.

See "Val Function" and "NZ Function" in the help files for details.

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