I have two columns: one has initials of person completing the task, next to
it is the percentage of work that is equal to. At the bottom, I am hoping to
have two tables depicting the average % of work and total % of work for each
I've tried =average(e3:e23 (if(d3:23="dj"))
Basically I have no idea how to create a correspondence between the name and
% of work...HELP! I'm so confused I can't even really explain my problem
it is the percentage of work that is equal to. At the bottom, I am hoping to
have two tables depicting the average % of work and total % of work for each
I've tried =average(e3:e23 (if(d3:23="dj"))
Basically I have no idea how to create a correspondence between the name and
% of work...HELP! I'm so confused I can't even really explain my problem