averaging frequencies


Harvey Waxman

I tried the following in column D copied as an array as per instructions:


where Column A contains the range of values and this is the frequency result:

1 100 2 { =average(if($a$1:$a$100>200000,$a$1:$a$100))}
2 1000 68 "
3 2000 28 "
4 5000 383 "
5 10000 229
6 20000 22
7 50000 8
8 200000 5

I got #div/0 errors in all the cells in column D.

I also tried:

=SUMIF($a$1:$a$100,"<=100")/c1 in column D entered as an array

No errors but the results were all the same and made no sense.

Clearly I misunderstand the directions.
If you choose to have no bin in the last cell (I do, just for
completeness), use (array-entered)


where 90 is the value in your highest bin.

Make sure you take a look at Help, but in this case, the SUMIF() looks
at all the values in A1:A100, and if their value is less than or equal
to 10, sums them. That sum is divided by the value returned by Frequency
for your first bin - i.e., the number of cells with values <=10. You
could use


to specify that A1:A100 is the range to be added, but the default is to
add the same range as the criterion is evaluated over.

Harvey Products makers of Dinghy Dogs
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JE McGimpsey

Here's an example:

A1:A50: numbers 1-50 (in any order)
B1:B4 numbers 5,12,24,48
B5: =MAX(A1:A50)

C1:C5 =FREQUENCY(A1:A50,B1:B5) (array entered)


C1: 5
C2: 7
C3: 12
C4: 24
C5: 2

Then array enter these two cells and copy D2 down to D5.

D1: =AVERAGE(IF($A$1:$A$50<=B1,$A$1:$A$50))
D2: =AVERAGE(IF(($A$1:$A$50>B1)*($A$1:$A$50<=B2),$A$1:$A$50))


D1: 3
D2: 9
D3: 18.5
D4: 36.5
D5: 49.5

Alternatively, (regular) enter these two cells and copy E2 down to E5:

E1: =SUMPRODUCT(--($A$1:$A$50<=B1),$A$1:$A$50)/C1
E2: =SUMPRODUCT(--($A$1:$A$50<=B2),--($A$1:$A$50>B1),$A$1:$A$50)/C2

for the same results as D1:D5.

Harvey Waxman

JE McGimpsey said:
Here's an example:

A1:A50: numbers 1-50 (in any order)
B1:B4 numbers 5,12,24,48
B5: =MAX(A1:A50)

You are very patient, Thanks

I found other solutions which I can decipher equally well :)-) but these seem
much more efficient. I'll try to parse them out but I'll probably return with
questions. I'd feel less guilty for using your work if I were able to follow
the logic.

Thanks again


Harvey Products makers of Dinghy Dogs
The Boater's Best Friend
Ladies' handbags and accessories
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