Averaging (Green, Amber, Red, Black) Ratings


Michael Pavek

I am designing a worksheet that allows users to determine
their status in terms of:
1) Green
2) Amber
3) Red
4) Black

I am trying to make a formula that will average several
worksheets cells of G-A-R-B and produce an average.

Michael Pavek


Have to help me out here. CMYK? I am trying to get the
rollup worksheet to average 12 worksheets of people
assessing their status as either green (90%+), Amber (80-
90%), Red (70-80%), or black (0-70%). The output that I
want is either G,A,R, or B.


Paul Corrado


I see you have your own values assigned to the colors. Since you did not
indicate a value I was assuming that you wished to generate an average color
value based on the color mix values from the RGB or CMYK color palettes.

You can calculate an "average color" using a VLOOKUP of the average of the
sheet values as follows


Where "average value" is the average "score" of each sheet.


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