Avery 6467 doesn't line up


JJ Runnion

I'm using Word 2003. Using the handy wizard to set up the labels, and then
importing my data from a spreadsheet. Everything is fine except! the labels
on the page flow over to the next page and so instead of 20 labels down,
there are 19 labels down. Is there some correction that I'm supposed to know
about? :)

I never use these functions, but have to print labels for 1900 MS license
keys, and I don't want to do it by hand :)

Your expert help will be appreciated.


Peter Jamieson

This does seem to happen with some label types. Suggestions:
a. if you aren't doing so already, output to a new document that you can
inspect before wasting label stationery
b. make sure Word, the printer driver and the printer are all in agreement
about the paper size in use
c. try unchecking Tools|Options|Print|Allow A4/Letter paper resizing
d. (may be worth experimenting with reducing the vertical size of your
text, e.g. reduce the font size. But perhaps it's obvious that that isn't
the problem)
e. use File|Page Setup to reduce the bottom margin

JJ Runnion

Thanx Peter. I tried those, to no avail. I ended up using Avery's template,
still had to tweak it though. Then, the darn labels would only merge every
other one! What the heck? Any ideas why?

I am printing Vista License keys for distribution (1900 of them), and I have
already spent waaaay too much time on this turkey.


JJ Runnion
IT Support
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Prescott, AZ

Peter Jamieson

Assuming you're still doing a Word mailmerge, it sounds as if you have too
many { NEXT } fields in your mail merge main document. Use Alt-F9 to see the
fields. There should be one { NEXT } field at the beginning of each label
cell except the first on the page. If there is more than one, delete the
extras. If you can't see more than one per cell, is this one of those
layouts that has "spacer" columns and/or rows? It's quite easy to copy/paste
stuff into those places and not notice if they are non-printing fields.

JJ Runnion

I was using MS's handy dandy wizard, and i couldn't get it to work correctly
at all. Then i tried to use the Avery template, but Word isn't set up to do
that with the wizard, so i had to learn how to do it the old fashioned way.
Still, the formatting was wrong and after wasting a few pages of labels (i
had forgotten to take them out of the printer one more time for testing), I
finally got all of the settings that were wrong in both AVery and MS presets
so that it would all line up correctly. I ended up merging to a document,
since I couldn't get the merge to printer to function correctly (only printed
one page).

On the whole, if I never have to do this again, it will be too soon!

Thanx for your input,

JJ Runnion
IT Support
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Prescott, AZ

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