Avg % above 0%



How can I get the average percentage of a collumn of percentages without it
including any 0%. e.g. A1=0% A2=100%, A3=70% if it averaged the 3 cells it
would be 57% but if it only averaged A2:A3 it would be 85%. I may have
several cells in the collumn which is showing 0% so how do I average just
those above 0%. Can you use Avg if is there such a formula?

Basically I have a collumn of attendance data which I am trying to get the
avg of. sometimes it will be 0% because its a non expected attendance and
sometimes it will be because they did not attend though they should have
done. hope this make sence. So in essence sometimes I want to add the 0% in
the avg and sometimes I don't how do I diferentiate between when I do and
when I don't

Mike H


Here's 2 ways, first an ARRAY formula


This is an array formula which must be entered by pressing CTRL+Shift+Enter
'and not just Enter. If you do it correctly then Excel will put curly brackets
'around the formula {}. You can't type these yourself. If you edit the formula
'you must enter it again with CTRL+Shift+Enter.

or a non array solution



When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the

Bernard Liengme

In the event you have Excel 2007
best wishes

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