Jos reulen
I add a toolbar on startup of Word (depending on the identification of the user) and remove it at Word exit using a VBA
macro. This to enable a user to use only specific toolbars. Now I get the
message normal.dot has been changed even when there are no changes made to the actual word-document (and thereupon several windows to store or not normal.dot)
I would like to avoid the appearance of this message and the succeeding windows when only the toolbars are added and removed. how can this be done in VBA code.
macro. This to enable a user to use only specific toolbars. Now I get the
message normal.dot has been changed even when there are no changes made to the actual word-document (and thereupon several windows to store or not normal.dot)
I would like to avoid the appearance of this message and the succeeding windows when only the toolbars are added and removed. how can this be done in VBA code.