Ingo Hoffmann
I have a little application in wich I open word files with the word
object and print them to a given printer automaticaly. So far anything
work fine.
But some documents have field functions like {FILLIN "HELLO WORLD"/o}.
Everytime I open a doc with a fillin field I become a inputbox and my
application is waiting until the inputbox is answerd.
Is there a possibility to avoid the inputbox? I need something like a
'SilentMode' property or anything else.
Ingo Hoffmann
enclosed my current code
Dim WD As Object
Set WD = CreateObject("Word.Application")
If Err = 0 Then
AddLog Log, " Word Objekt OK"
If WD.Version > gcOffice97 Then
'gibts nicht in Office97
WD.FeatureInstall = 0 'msoFeatureInstallNone
End If
WD.DisplayAlerts = 0
WD.Documents.Open Filename:=FN, _
ConfirmConversions:=False, _
ReadOnly:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
Format:="wdOpenFormatAuto", _
If Err = 5408 Then
AddLog " Das Passwortgeschützte Dokument kann nicht geladen
werden. Fehler : " & Err.Description & "(" & Err.Number & ")"
If WD.Version > gcOffice97 Then
'gibts in office97 nicht...
WD.Visible = False
End If
WD.Application.PrintOut Filename:=FN_Source, Background:=False
End If
WD.ActiveDocument.Saved = True
WD.ActiveDocument.Close False
End If
I have a little application in wich I open word files with the word
object and print them to a given printer automaticaly. So far anything
work fine.
But some documents have field functions like {FILLIN "HELLO WORLD"/o}.
Everytime I open a doc with a fillin field I become a inputbox and my
application is waiting until the inputbox is answerd.
Is there a possibility to avoid the inputbox? I need something like a
'SilentMode' property or anything else.
Ingo Hoffmann
enclosed my current code
Dim WD As Object
Set WD = CreateObject("Word.Application")
If Err = 0 Then
AddLog Log, " Word Objekt OK"
If WD.Version > gcOffice97 Then
'gibts nicht in Office97
WD.FeatureInstall = 0 'msoFeatureInstallNone
End If
WD.DisplayAlerts = 0
WD.Documents.Open Filename:=FN, _
ConfirmConversions:=False, _
ReadOnly:=True, _
AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
Format:="wdOpenFormatAuto", _
If Err = 5408 Then
AddLog " Das Passwortgeschützte Dokument kann nicht geladen
werden. Fehler : " & Err.Description & "(" & Err.Number & ")"
If WD.Version > gcOffice97 Then
'gibts in office97 nicht...
WD.Visible = False
End If
WD.Application.PrintOut Filename:=FN_Source, Background:=False
End If
WD.ActiveDocument.Saved = True
WD.ActiveDocument.Close False
End If