Avoiding the triangle (formula error checker)



I have a process, using the Office 11 interops, that outputs data into a
range of cells. All is well til the user opens up the document and sees the
nefarious formula error checker triangle in the upper left corner of each

Now the document is blank and there are not any specialized formulas
embeded. During the programming, the code specifies the '@' code for the
NumberFormat off of the range object. The final data is from a database and
yes the rows could be formatted specifically, but the process is generic an
certain data that looks like numbers is really text. (I.E. 00652 needs to say
00652 and not 652 as a number formatted cell would do). With that said all
cells have the general format.

How can I avoid the use seing the triangle?


It appears there's no easy wasy round. Switching error checking off is
not done at workbook level, it is a user setting and most users will
want to leave it on. There are however a few instances where date and
number checking are not flagged by green triangles:
- If the value is entered as a formula: ="00652"
- The value is in a querytable or pivottable.

HTH Lori

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