axis label multi line help



how do you create multi line axis labeling.

I have a bar graph with text angled at 45 degrees under each bar.
I would like to set the text so that it is displayed on 2 lines.
I tried entering a carraige return (ALT ENTER) in the reference
cell but it didnt work.


Jon Peltier

Use 2 columns for the labels, with the bottom line of the label in the
left column, and the upper line in the right column. Put no headers on
these two columns. Put a header on all the columns that have Y data:

Series 1 Series 2
Cat A Line 2 Cat A Line 1 1 2
Cat B Line 2 Cat B Line 1 2 1

Select the entire range, including headers and blank cells, and make
your chart, with series in columns. The labels will look like this
below the chart:

Cat A Line 1 Cat B Line 1
Cat A Line 2 Cat B Line 2

- Jon


Wow. Thanks for those replies.
Still some problems
Using your example, when i stagger line 1 "Cat A Line 1"
the second line remains unstaggered. I cant seem to stagger
both. The issue is that the second line "Cat A Line 2" is long
and runs into the next second line "Cat B Line 2". and i
dont want to break Line 2 into 2 more lines or reduce the font.


Jon Peltier

You can only make each bit as wide as the space between axis labels
assigned by Excel. You can get a bit more room if you hide the regular
axis labels, and put a dummy series there, with points along the axis at
locations where you want a label, and use data labels on this series
linked to the cells instead of axis labels. I recall that the data
labels reproduce your hard coded line breaks from the cells somewhat
better than the axis labels do.

For help, check out the Arbitrary Axis example on my web site:

- Jon

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