B2TR expiration and File conversion




I took part in the original Office 2007 Beta trial and then B2TR upgrade. A
relative novice to Office - nevertheless it appeared more user friendly and
intuitive than previous versions. However because of work commitments I
missed the 31 Mar 07 deadline which appears to have caused me considerable
problems since.

First the B2TR would not uninstall - messages saying that the installation
had corrupted came up every time I tried to remove the product - thus I had
to completely reset my computer and reformat the HDD.

Secondly the B2TR created files that on 31 Mar I could save in Office
97-2003 readable format appear now to be completely unreadable and
unconvertable - even in legitimate Office 2007.

I understand that beta products are time limited but to make the files
created therewith time expired seems a strange way of encouraging future

Are there any means available to convert these B2TR files back into a format
that can be read by Office 2003?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Try this:

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, Taps asked:

| Hello,
| I took part in the original Office 2007 Beta trial and then B2TR
| upgrade. A relative novice to Office - nevertheless it appeared more
| user friendly and intuitive than previous versions. However because
| of work commitments I missed the 31 Mar 07 deadline which appears to
| have caused me considerable problems since.
| First the B2TR would not uninstall - messages saying that the
| installation had corrupted came up every time I tried to remove the
| product - thus I had to completely reset my computer and reformat the
| HDD.
| Secondly the B2TR created files that on 31 Mar I could save in Office
| 97-2003 readable format appear now to be completely unreadable and
| unconvertable - even in legitimate Office 2007.
| I understand that beta products are time limited but to make the files
| created therewith time expired seems a strange way of encouraging
| future business.
| Are there any means available to convert these B2TR files back into a
| format that can be read by Office 2003?

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