A couple of weeks ago I posted a looping code that I couldn't get
right and I was steered (thankfully) towards SQL which I have made
great use of since, however I didn't actually learn what I was doing
wrong with the loopy code.
I have a similar problem again now and the problem specifically
is ......
I can't get off the first record!
The code compiles (honest). The recordset is what I expect. The
recordcount is correct. As the code steps thru its cycle I can see in
the Immediate window that the values are changing from -1 to 0 and
then on the second cycle back from 0 to -1. My item code shows that
both cycles are for record 1
Could someone please explain
right and I was steered (thankfully) towards SQL which I have made
great use of since, however I didn't actually learn what I was doing
wrong with the loopy code.
I have a similar problem again now and the problem specifically
is ......
I can't get off the first record!
The code compiles (honest). The recordset is what I expect. The
recordcount is correct. As the code steps thru its cycle I can see in
the Immediate window that the values are changing from -1 to 0 and
then on the second cycle back from 0 to -1. My item code shows that
both cycles are for record 1
Could someone please explain