backcolor Property to Pivot Cell Object



Hi Everybody,

I have an iteraction to get the pivot cells for my first column using
aggregate function and need to set backcolor cell with diferent colors but
the pivotcell object doesn't have backcolor property to do this.

How i can use this property to colorize my pivottable? DO you have any
code that can help me?

Note: I'm coding inside html file using vbscript and here is my iteraction
code for this:

Dim rm
Dim cm
Dim cell
For Each rm In data.RowMembers("VIS").ChildMembers
Set cm = data.ColumnMembers("Acum").ChildMembers("LCC")
Set cell = data.Cells(rm, cm).Aggregates(0)
MsgBox ("Value = " & cell.Value)

Thanks in Advanced!

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