Backend not accessible (server down) suggestions



Hi there,

If tables in a Database back-end become inaccessible, due to a server
failure, I intend to link to temporary tables within the front end, then
append(?) the temporary table data in the front-end to the back-end, when a
connection to the back-end can be re-establish. Can you suggest the
processes involved in achieving this, or things I should consider?

Thank you

Douglas J. Steele

How do you intend to get the current data into the front end if the server
is down?

I don't think there's really any feasible way of doing this.


Hi Doug,

It's cool. I think I've sussed out a way of doing what I require with
Queries. Although I have still to figure out error checking to determine if
a server backend is active or not.

Anyway, sorry I didn't explain what I wanted too well. Seeing previous data
is not as important (when no server connection is available) as the need to
continue collecting the data regardless. In short I don't want to loose any
data being entered.

Thanks all the same

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