Background and Calendar



I am trying to create a background for a worksheet in which a calendar with
dates can be viewed while still being able to enter formulas into cells. I
would like to use Excel to record tips, hours, and paychecks from my job as a
waiter on a daily basis and use the records for calculate averages to help me
decide which days and shifts to work.

Dennis Tucker

As far as the background and calendar are concerned, I can not help you.

However, for the rest I can.

You are trying to optimize your money situation I see. This is a great project. This can be done in two ways.

1. No VBA coding or forms, use only worksheet functions with some manual operations(besides data entry).
2. Use VBA coding and forms to reduce the work to just data entry.

Both will work fine and the results can charted too.

VBA coding and forms is what I do for work. See the lin below.


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