background image size/custom theme/template



I want to create my own website in FP. For the past 10 years we have used the
themes available in FP.

1. I have an image but don't know what size it needs to be for the
background. Can it be a jpeg?
2. How do I make it so the page I create fits onto any screen?

Thanks for any help!

Stefan B Rusynko

The background image can be a .gif or .jpg
- and it will always tile so it will never fit all screens
(unless it is 1600x1200, or you use CSS to prevent it from tiling)
The size depend on the image purpose
- you could used a 10x10 px and let it tile to fill the whole screen
- or a picture that will file a part of the screen

|I want to create my own website in FP. For the past 10 years we have used the
| themes available in FP.
| 1. I have an image but don't know what size it needs to be for the
| background. Can it be a jpeg?
| 2. How do I make it so the page I create fits onto any screen?
| Thanks for any help!
| Jennifer

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