Background Pages



I am trying to edit some of my background pages, but they seem to have
disappeared. I can still create foreground pages using my backgrounds, but I
cannot create new backgrounds or access my background pages at all, the tabs
are not there anymore.

Is there a setting or something that I am not aware of? Please help!

Chris Roth [Visio MVP]

Hi Keith,

Try this:

1. Open/Show the Drawing Explorer, under the View menu
2. Expand the Background pages tree
3. If your invisible pages are there, proceed
4. For each invisible page, right-click on the tree-node and choose Show
5. Set the UIVisibility cell near the top-left of the ShapeSheet to "TRUE"

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

Visio Guy: Smart Graphics for Visual People


keith asdf

Thank you! This is just the solution I needed

Chris Roth [Visio MVP] wrote:

Re: Background Pages

Hi Keith

Try this

1. Open/Show the Drawing Explorer, under the View men
2. Expand the Background pages tre
3. If your invisible pages are there, procee
4. For each invisible page, right-click o

Previous Posts In This Thread:

Background Pages
I am trying to edit some of my background pages, but they seem to hav
disappeared. I can still create foreground pages using my backgrounds, but
cannot create new backgrounds or access my backgrou

Re: Background Pages
Hi Keith

Try this

1. Open/Show the Drawing Explorer, under the View men
2. Expand the Background pages tre
3. If your invisible pages are there, procee
4. For each invisible page, right-click o

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