


Using Pub 2002. I don't like the provided backgrounds. Can I create my
If so,how?


I followed your suggestion and found several programs.
I have a pattern fill in Photoshop that I would like to use as a webpage
Do I need to by one of these "background programs" to do that?



No. I suggested Googling for backgrounds that you might like, not a program.

You can use any background image you like. Format > Background > More
Backgrounds > Picture tab > Select Picture and browse to the background
picture. Just be careful that you choose an appropriate background image
that can be replicated and is a small file size. Too big and your page takes
a long time to load.



Ok, I downloaded a background from the Microsoft site.
When I selected it for my webpage, Publisher tiled it. About 4 across and
several down.
I would like my page to use just the one and cover the whole page.
Can you help me some more, please?




That will be hard to least with the image you are using.

When you choose a background image Publisher will take that image and
replicate it to fill the background. Depending on the size and the nature of
the image, this can be very noticeable as in your case. Apparently the image
you are trying to use is of a size that four images fill your screen...the
background....the white space or padding if you will. The background image I
use is an image that when reproduced does not show where one image stops and
another begins, and it is only 160 X 160 pixels in dimension. I think what
you will probably have to do if you want a uniform background is to choose a
different image, that when replicated does not show where one image stops
and another begins.

Read this article to understand a bit more: Understanding background padding
in a Publisher web (aka white space) :



Thank you - got me one step closer to being more self-sufficient!
Got one more queston:
I am running Pub 2002 - any advantages of upgrading to 2007?



You are welcome. And absolutely you would be better off using 2007. 2002 was
the first version that was "adopted" into the Office family, and MSFT really
messed it up compared to 2000. It is in my opinion 2002 is the worst version
of Publisher... period...and especially for web building. Among other things
you won't have fixed length web pages like you do in 2002. This means that
pages will be truncated after the last design element on the page,
regardless of page length...or in other words, you get custom pages. This
will help with your background images too. Also the code is better, you can
compress graphics better, you can custom name pages, and, and... I know of
no advantage to 2002 other than you already own it. Pub 2007 does work a bit
different, with Publish to the Web instead of Export, and other things, but
it is better, me thinks.

If you do buy 2007, I would suggest that you do a custom install, and not
overwrite 2002. That way you can have both versions on your computer, and
you may find it handy to have 2002 for some things.

Good luck.


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