backing up Outlook



-----Original Message-----
If you mean your data, you find the pst file and copy it to disk. If you
mean the actual application, I don't think there is any way to do that
unless you got OL on a CD the way MS used to sell it.

Could you give me step by step instructions on backing up
to a disk?



-----Original Message-----
You didn't mention which version you're using, but if it
happens to be either Outlook 2000 or 2002, see this
article for an easy solution:
Outlook 2002/2000 Add-in: Personal Folders Backup

Otherwise, you'll have to find the location of your
current Personal Folders file (it has a pst extension) and
copy it to another location. It may be too large to fit on
a floppy disc. Note that it is probably a hidden file so
you'll have to change your Folder & File settings to find
Snarky Parker
.......Please respond to newsgroup only (e-mail is blocked)
Win2K SP4/IE6 SP1/Office XP SP2

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I'm using Microsoft Outlook 2002

Charles Kenyon

Rather than mess with your original folders, I would recommend first making
a backup to your hard drive. Use File => Export & Import and export your
folders to an Outlook pst file. You can create the file in My Documents.
Then, when the export is completed copy that file to a CD using your
CD-burning program. You will be allowed to filter out items to not backup
and can do incremental backups later to the same file.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

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