Is it possible to program Excell to backtime? The Start time is 00:00
(mm:ss), the end time is 28:30. There will be ten events of varing
times. I need to be able to deduct the time of each event from the
end time. If the total time of the events is 28 min and 30 seconds,
the start will show 00:00. But if the total time of the events is,
say, 26:30, the start time should read 2:00, and I'll know I need to
add 2 min. to the events to make the total time 00:00.
(mm:ss), the end time is 28:30. There will be ten events of varing
times. I need to be able to deduct the time of each event from the
end time. If the total time of the events is 28 min and 30 seconds,
the start will show 00:00. But if the total time of the events is,
say, 26:30, the start time should read 2:00, and I'll know I need to
add 2 min. to the events to make the total time 00:00.