Backup database



Hi fourm, I am using a split database in shared mode, 2-3 people max. My
question is can I backup my "BE" to a flash drive one exit? We are using
older computers and were trying to keep the database up to date as possible.


Jeff Boyce


You don't mention where the BE is being kept. Is it located on a LAN? If
so, does your LAN administrator have an automatic backup routine running?
What's included in that backup?

Perhaps one of the other newsgroup readers can offer a procedure that would
do what you're asking, but I'm wondering why, as in "what will having a copy
of the back-end on a flash drive help you do?"

Be aware that if you create a procedure to do this, it would (also) only
make sense to create an error handling process to account for interrupted
copies, no flash drive, etc...

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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