Backup not working



I appreciate that I don't properly know what to look for, but backup happens
very quickly even though I have quite a bit of content now. I have checked
the folders in the 'Application Data\....\Backup' area and there are no
recent changes.

I have checked paths etc and cannot spot anything wrong. Can anyone help me
with how I test whether a backup is working and how I go about resolving if
it isn't please.


Fritz Switzer


The Help gives a pretty good explanation.

Options on the Tools Menu, then view the Open and Save Category, You can
view the settings or modify the locations from there.

Hope this helps,


Erik Sojka (MVP)

Start with a basic "forced" backup.

1) Create a new section.
2) Type/Ink some bogus data and save it (Ctrl-S still works even though
it isn't necessary).
3) Tools | Options | Backup | Backup Now button
4) Verify that the new section from step 1) is present.

Other things to check:
* Verify that the path given in Tools | Options | Open and Save | Backup
Folder is valid and accessible. If you've changed it from the default,
then checking in the default folder won't show results.


Thanks Erik,

That all works with the default folders but what do the backup files look

My problem remains that when I set the backup to a network drive, which is a
must if I lose the tablet, then it does not appear there. In fact (checking
the path setting as I type this) the backup folder I specified has reverted
to the default!!! There seems to be something that I am not doing properly
when I try and set the back up path because the folder name never
populates!!! The new path is stored but when I close a reopen the options
screen it has reverted!!

Any help greatly appreciated as I really want to get my backups off the
tablet - can I do it manually? What do I copy - is there a particular
extension I should look for.


Fritz Switzer


The Backup files look just like the original files.

If you've created a new directory and changed your Modify Backup location to
this new directory, then run the Backup Now button and look in this new
directory the files will look just like they do in the My Notes (or whatever
location) folder.

It appears to be an xcopy of the source or original files. There is no
extension like "bak" or "bkf" like with the Backup/Restore Wizard.

Hope this helps,


Fritz Switzer

oops, I went back in the directory and looked at the files a bit closer.
The file name is changed. On my backed up OneNote files this was inserted
at the end of each fileName and before the fileExtension. "(On 4-15-2005)".
And if you click on the Backup file, it will open in OneNote with a prefixed
Backup label on the Tab.

The location details remain as I posted previously.



Thanks Fritz,

I am on board with nearly all you say but I cannot get the Tool:Options:
save new file path (sorry guessing, I am not at the tablet right now) for
the new back up location to stick.

Try it yourself, preferably to a network path, it doesn't seem to stick. It
seems to, but close the options panel and then reopen and it is back to the
old path!!!

I am manually copying all the files in the backup directory to the network
in the hope that in the worst case I will be able to use them to recover.


Fritz Switzer


I just changed my Backup Folder locations to a local folder and a Network
Share folder and then selected Backup Now. In both instances the files were
backed up.

A message does pop up that says something about re-loading OneNote before
the changes take affect though.

I'm not a network guy, someone else may have some idea about permissions

Are you running SP1 of OneNote? I'm not sure whether it has any impact on
this issue.

Good luck,


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