Backup Now Toolbar Button



I am looking for a way to create a "backup now" button on a toolbar
within OneNote. This would be very nice. I already have OneNote setup
to backup automatically every 5 minutes to an SD drive, but I would
like to be able to manually backup without having to go into the
options menu and select backup, then select backup now. I have created
a button that takes me to the options popup screen, but every click I
could save by having a backup now button would be time saved. Thanks
for any input.

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]


Just curious.

What is your use case for this?

If you take the reliability of hardware etc and put it together with a
background backup every 5 minutes, what data can be so important and
so frequent that you need a backup now button at hand?

Sorry to sound sceptical, but I am having trouble working out why it
might be needed.

Also, is it really a backup button you want? Or a save button?

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath


I am taking notes in law school and I don't want to take the chance of
losing 4:59 of notes. IT is a belt and suspenders industry and it would
make me feel much better if I could just click backup now before
shutting down. I have a fear that my laptop won't boot up someday and
it would hate to lose the notes not backed up.

Andrew Watt [MVP - InfoPath]

The reality is that there is no zero risk option, as you probably

Surely a bigger risk is losing your laptop and backup drive or having
it stolen? Or being mugged on the way home? Or your home being burgled
and ALL your stuff being stolen? Those seem to me to be potential
risks to ALL your data, not just 5 minutes of it.

Do you have those more damaging risks covered?

To return to your original question ...

You can set the backup frequency to every minute, if you choose.

As far as I am aware, there is no way in the current version of
OneNote to add a Backup Now button to the toolbar.

Andrew Watt
MVP - InfoPath

Chris H.

Change your backup timing. You've already said you have the backup set for
five minutes, but by going into Tools/Options/Backup you can lower the time
to one minute. You can also increase the number of backup copies you're
retaining from the default two if you wish.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


I actually have considered the other risks and to mitigate the loss of
my laptop and the backup SD card I ftp the folder that contains my
onenote files to an offsite location (other than my house).

Sure I could set the backup time to be every minute, but that kind of
brings up another thought. I guess the only way to guarantee (or put my
mind to rest a little more) that my files are backed up is to run the
manual back and watch the little blue light on my SD drive flash as it
is written to.

I used to be the network administrator for a fortune 1000 company,
designing networks around the world and replicating data across the
country for disaster recovery, and I have seen too many failures to
ever sleep easy when relying on any technology. Sure it has gotten
better over the years, but if something can go wrong eventually it

Thanks for the input guys.

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