Backup Outlook 2007


Montgomery, TX

Background: New hard drive, clean install of Win XP Pro (all updates
applied), clean install of Office 2007 beta (no prior Office products have
been on this system).

Cannot install pfkackup. Pop-message says the installation can not be
completed beacuse it could not detect any prior installation of any Outlook
procuct. Message says I must install Outlook 2000, Outlook 2002, or Outlook
2003 before this installation can be completed.

Help please...

Montgomery, TX

Hi Sue,

Been there and tried that. This does not work on as clean install on a new
workstation. It does work on my old workstation where I had Outlook 2003
installed, removed it, and then installed Outlook 2007 Beta.

On the new workstation, pfbackup MSI installer package tells me (Setup Error
pup-up message)I have to have had a prior installation of Outlook 2000, 2002,
or 2003 on my workstation before the Outlook 2007 beta installation can
proceed. Apparently it does not recognize the Outlook 2007 beta...

Any ideas...


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

It worked fine here, on a clean install that never had any previous version of Office on it, and apparently has worked for other people as well. You ran the .msi file, not the .exe, right?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Montgomery, TX

Hi SUe,

Was running the .exe. Ran .msi, worked fine.

Thanks for your help!

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