Followed 'help' instructions to make backup of .dbx
files: i.e. compact them, then copy them to a backup
device. But inadvertently moved files out of
original 'Identities' folder in the process. Moved them
back in, but can now find no way of getting Outlook (6)
to 'see' - let alone open - these .dbx files. Have tried
importing them, but still no dice. Any suggestions? HD.
files: i.e. compact them, then copy them to a backup
device. But inadvertently moved files out of
original 'Identities' folder in the process. Moved them
back in, but can now find no way of getting Outlook (6)
to 'see' - let alone open - these .dbx files. Have tried
importing them, but still no dice. Any suggestions? HD.