Backup/Restore Clipboard



Hi All,

I have a macro that, because of the actions that it carries out, ends
up destroying the contents of the clipboard. Can anyone tell me how I
can backup and restore the contents of the clipboard before the body of
my macro executes?


Jim Rech

I think you have to paste to a temporary holding sheet/area, and copy from
there at the end of your macro. This is only necessary if
Application.CutCopyMode is not equal to False of course.

| Hi All,
| I have a macro that, because of the actions that it carries out, ends
| up destroying the contents of the clipboard. Can anyone tell me how I
| can backup and restore the contents of the clipboard before the body of
| my macro executes?
| Thanks,
| Kris


Thank you for the response Jim. Do you have any idea what the macro
code to do this would look like? I've done a few Googles and I can't
seem to find anything like it anywhere.

Thanks again,

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