chris leeds
I've got a .css layout and every element works OK.
the problem is when I put this "utility menu" in mousing over the "links"
wipes out the text in the adjacent <div>.
I'm thinking it's an unclosed tag but I'm not seeing it:
<a title="It's Printer Friendly Too!" href="javascript:window.print()"
onMouseOver="window.status='Go ahead, it\'s printer friendly!'; return
true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''" ;>Print This Page</a></p>
<a title="For Internet Explorer Users"
e)" onMouseOver="window.status='Sorry, it only works for Internet Explorer
users.'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''" ;>Bookmark This
<a href="sendpage.asp?link=<%=request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>"
onclick="popUp(this.href,'fixed',250,200);return false;"
onMouseOver="window.status='Send a link to this page to anyone you want.
It\'s Private and secure.'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''";
target="_blank">Send This Page</a></p>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"
src="../faq/afm.asp"></script><a href="#"
onclick="javascript:xlaAFMlaunch();" onMouseOver="window.status='View
Frequently Asked Questions.'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''"
;target="_blank">See The F.A.Q.</a></p>
any body like a certain editor that highlights the syntax so that it's more
The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here:
the problem is when I put this "utility menu" in mousing over the "links"
wipes out the text in the adjacent <div>.
I'm thinking it's an unclosed tag but I'm not seeing it:
<a title="It's Printer Friendly Too!" href="javascript:window.print()"
onMouseOver="window.status='Go ahead, it\'s printer friendly!'; return
true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''" ;>Print This Page</a></p>
<a title="For Internet Explorer Users"
e)" onMouseOver="window.status='Sorry, it only works for Internet Explorer
users.'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''" ;>Bookmark This
<a href="sendpage.asp?link=<%=request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME")%>"
onclick="popUp(this.href,'fixed',250,200);return false;"
onMouseOver="window.status='Send a link to this page to anyone you want.
It\'s Private and secure.'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''";
target="_blank">Send This Page</a></p>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"
src="../faq/afm.asp"></script><a href="#"
onclick="javascript:xlaAFMlaunch();" onMouseOver="window.status='View
Frequently Asked Questions.'; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''"
;target="_blank">See The F.A.Q.</a></p>
any body like a certain editor that highlights the syntax so that it's more
The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
Please feel free to contact me here: