Bad Tools Menu


Paul Girard

Suddenly the Tools menu has been replaced by the Fonts menu, but it
does not do anything when I select a font from the list. The Fonts
menu works fine.
I tried to reinstall Office X (update 10.1.5 with Word 10.1.4), then I
replaced the Word program (still 10.1.4) with one that was archived
and worked from the archive disk. The Tools menu still does not work.
What file has gotten corrupted? I can replace it from archive if I
know what one to switch.

JE McGimpsey

Suddenly the Tools menu has been replaced by the Fonts menu, but it
does not do anything when I select a font from the list. The Fonts
menu works fine.
I tried to reinstall Office X (update 10.1.5 with Word 10.1.4), then I
replaced the Word program (still 10.1.4) with one that was archived
and worked from the archive disk. The Tools menu still does not work.
What file has gotten corrupted? I can replace it from archive if I
know what one to switch.

Either the Normal template or the Word Settings (10) file.

You can either

a) rename the Normal template with Word closed, then restart Word. If
the situation is fixed, use the Organizer to move any necessary items
from the old Normal to the new. If not, rename the old Normal back to
Normal, and trash the Word Settings (10) file.

b) Choose View/Toolbars/Customize. Select the Menu bar item (so that
it's highlighted, not just the checkbox checked) and click Reset. Close
Word to overwrite your Normal/Settings files.

In the future, if you need to reinstall Office, please use the Remove
Office application that resides in your Value pack folder on the Office
installation CD. Just trashing the application folder doesn't work any
longer (hasn't, really, since Office98, but it's vital in v.X).

Mike Isle

As a matter of interest, I had the same problem Paul describes and it was
solved by the second of the two options suggested by Mr(?) McGimpsey.

John McGhie [MVP - Word]

His name's John, and so's mine, so he calls himself "JE" :) I call *him*
whenever Excel won't work...

from "Mike Isle" said:
As a matter of interest, I had the same problem Paul describes and it was
solved by the second of the two options suggested by Mr(?) McGimpsey.


Please respond only to the newsgroup to preserve the thread.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Mike Isle

Thanks for the clarification. Given the help that you both give, perhaps
"Saint" before your joint first name may be in order.

JE McGimpsey

Mike Isle <[email protected]> said:
Thanks for the clarification. Given the help that you both give, perhaps
"Saint" before your joint first name may be in order.

Believe me, that would *not* be appropriate (at least for the displaced

Between the two of us, the 7 deadlies are pretty darn well covered.

JE McGimpsey

Beth Rosengard said:
We tried to push that through but the Pope wasn't having any ;-).

I was all for being canonized until I found out how much gunpowder was

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