bakery database



Hi all,

I have to create a database for bakery. The bakery has daily production,
products which are in some product categories, customers with (typical)
daily orders. Every customer returns products that are not sold so the bill
contains [ordered products] - [returned products].

My idea is to create these tables:

Products (*ProductID, CategoryID, productNam, price, ... )

Categories (*CategoryID, CategoryName, desc ...)

DailyProduction (*ProductionID, Date, Notes)

DailyProductonProducts (*ProductionID, *ProductID, Quantity)

Customers (*CustomerID, CustomeName, ...)

Orders (*OrderID, CustomerID, OrderDate, Notes, OrderSealed)

OrderProducts (*OrderID, *ProductID, Quantity, Discount, ItemsReturned)

TypicalDailyProduction (*TypicalProductionID, TypicalProductionName, Notes)

TypicalDailyProdutionProducts (*TypicalProductionID, *ProductID, Quantity)

TypicalDailyCustomerOrder (*TypicalOrderID, CustomerID)

TypicalDailyCustomerOrderProducts (*TypicalOrderID, *ProductID, Quantity)

I would appreciate if you can give me some comments on this. Because, all
the products are valid only one day it's a little bit confusing for me and
I don't know if I am on the write way.



It's difficult to say if you're going about it right without being 100% sure
what you're trying to achieve.

For example, I'm not convinced I understand what your "dailyproduction" and
"typicaldailyproduction" tables are to be used for, so I can't really comment
on these.

However, I can certainly agree that the tables products, categories,
customers, orders and order products look fine to me.

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