bar code font (3 of 9)


Gator Girl

I have a document which I provide to others which has barcoded information in

When I email the document, I also attach the font. These are the
instructions which I provide:

The 3 of 9 bar code font is also attached. If you do not have it in your
application, please copy and paste it into your Windows Fonts folder. How?

§ Right-click on the 3OF9 icon above
§ Save As...
§ Navigate to Local Disc (C:)
§ Double-Click on WINDOWS
§ Double-Click on Fonts
§ Click Save

This seems to work for most people but not all. Is there a problem with my



Hi Gator Girl,

Rather than simply copying the fonts into the fonts folder, the fonts should
be installed via the fonts icon in the Control Panel.

The other issue is that the better 3of9 fonts are proprietary, and should be
licensed. So it might be better if you simply embedded the font in your Word
document, via Tools|Options|Save > 'embed true type fonts'. Most licensing
agreements permit this, and embedding the font in the document avoids the
need to install them.

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