Bar graph with pop-up box or hyper-link



I'm being asked if this is possible. I have a bar graph with dollar amounts.
The graph takes it's data on a different tab. In cell A1 is the batch number
(e.g. 1MLCLSPTCH040108), B1 is the dollar amount and C1 is Batch/Receipt
Status (e.g. Warning). Is there a VB code that will do the following:
1) If hovering over the bar, it will display the dollar amount but also show
the two adjacent cell data next to it?
2) Click on the bar and hyper-link to the cell that the data is coming from?


Jon Peltier

These things are possible, but they require programming to respond to events
(mouse hovering and clicking) in the chart. I wrote an article on chart
events which is published here:

It doesn't say how to do exactly what you want to do, but it gets you

Tushar Mehta has a utility on his web site that allows you to define custom
hover labels for chart points. Look for Chart Hover Labels on his web site:

- Jon

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