Barb Reinhardt: HOW TO: Plot a Team Name ....

  • Thread starter Kevin McCartney
  • Start date

Kevin McCartney

Hi Barb,
It is probably me being dum, but I still can't get it to work. I've
installed Ron Bovey's XY Chart Labeler, and it reads on the web site that it
will 'The labeler will detect and apply the source range formatting
characteristics to the data labels as well as live-link the data label text
to the source range text.' But nothing additional seems to happen. I create a
X Y (scatter) chart based on the below the table and I've tried a bubble
chart on this exmaple table but to no avail do the TEAM # labels appear. If I
set the X axis range to MANAGER # B2:B11, Y axis range to CLIENTS # C2:C11
and the size range to REVENE D2:D11 the bubble chart looks create but I want
to put the TEAM # name next to the appropraite bubble but how do I make Ron
Bovey's XY Chart Labeler used the TEAM # range as the Label source. Do I need
to include the TEAM # column when I make the data source for the chart or do
I add the data later. The problem is that I don't see anything noticable that
indicates that the XY Chart Labeler is doing something, I can see the
atpvbaen.xla loaded so I presume it is installed correctly.

Hope you can help? Thanks in advance

TEAM 01 2 5 60
TEAM 02 6 10 120
TEAM 03 4 15 180
TEAM 04 5 6 72
TEAM 05 6 12 144
TEAM 06 8 18 216
TEAM 07 2 7 84
TEAM 08 4 14 168
TEAM 09 3 21 252
TEAM 10 1 8 96

I've done this using Ron Bovey's XY Chart Labeler

Kevin McCartney

Hi Barb,

I'm being a nooop, the addin was not loaded, silly me..... doooh :)

Barb Reinhardt

DOH! You're not alone. I've done things like that before myself.

Did it work the way you wanted?

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