Does anyone know of an application or other integration to enable a merge field
to be represented as a barcode?
The application is GoldMine so I cannot remanufacture the record formatting.
The few barcode examples fail due to the ascii chars such as an accent,
exclimation point etc...
Also, I've yet to see a barcode conversion from a merge field.
Here is the value:
A4031024484 6+<J Lin
The A stands for the year 2000, 4 = 2004, 0310 = March 10th, the next 7 chars
are an algorithm for the milliseconds since midnight followed by the first three
characters of the contact record's first name or company name in that order if
to be represented as a barcode?
The application is GoldMine so I cannot remanufacture the record formatting.
The few barcode examples fail due to the ascii chars such as an accent,
exclimation point etc...
Also, I've yet to see a barcode conversion from a merge field.
Here is the value:
A4031024484 6+<J Lin
The A stands for the year 2000, 4 = 2004, 0310 = March 10th, the next 7 chars
are an algorithm for the milliseconds since midnight followed by the first three
characters of the contact record's first name or company name in that order if