Barcode value of a merge field?



Does anyone know of an application or other integration to enable a merge field
to be represented as a barcode?

The application is GoldMine so I cannot remanufacture the record formatting.
The few barcode examples fail due to the ascii chars such as an accent,
exclimation point etc...

Also, I've yet to see a barcode conversion from a merge field.

Here is the value:

A4031024484 6+<J Lin

The A stands for the year 2000, 4 = 2004, 0310 = March 10th, the next 7 chars
are an algorithm for the milliseconds since midnight followed by the first three
characters of the contact record's first name or company name in that order if



Peter Jamieson

What you /probably/ need is the correct barcode font to match the data in
your Goldmine field, then to format the appropriate mergefields with that
font. i.e., in that font, character 65 ("A") should provide the first part
of your barcode, character 52 ("4"), the next part, etc. However
a. that assumes that the barcode field data is a direct representation of
the complete barcode and that you do not need to generate additional stuff
such as check digits
b. you would need to identify and acquire the correct font. Can't help you



Thanks, I'd hadn't thought about the ascii equivalent, as I was failing on my
first accent, plus sign or other similar non 0-9 or aA-zZ chars.


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